Some Kind of Therapist
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ROGD Repair is here!

ROGD Repair is in the wild!

In honor of #ROGDAwarenessDay I'm excited to announce a new resource for concerned parents of trans-identified youth: ROGD Repair, a Course + Community for Parents.

Looking for answers beyond affirmation — and a way to actually get through to your child?

ROGD Repair is an interactive and ever-expanding toolkit of psychology concepts and communication skills curated specifically for parents like you, based on what has actually worked for my clients who were desperate to improve their relationships and save their kids. 

ROGD Repair is designed based on my theory of the Trifecta of Social Contagion: that gender ideology operates, not in isolation, but in a perfect storm, along with powerful narratives about social justice (ie., wokeness), and Cluster B personality traits (eg., narcissism). 

Together, these three features of the Trifecta are perfectly designed to take advantage of every psychological vulnerability in your child, such as their youthful hubris, impulsivity, emotional instability, personal insecurities, and know-it-all mentality. 

Fortunately, ROGD Repair is also designed with your child's psychology in mind — yes, even if they are an adult. It's curated to distill the practical information you need while leaving out fluff and eliminating overwhelm. It's designed to bring you both peace and empowerment. 

ROGD Repair teaches you to avoid common errors that backfire due to predictable features of indoctrinated young adult psychology, such as trying to convince, presenting evidence, suggesting your child may be vulnerable to regret, and comparing your child to detransitioners. 

ROGD Repair teaches you to work with, rather than against, your child's present psychological state, from psychology concepts such as Neuroplasticity & Cognitive Dissonance to communication tools such as Alter Casting, Strategic Apologizing, Playing Dumb, & Broken Record. 

Stop overwhelming yourself with horror stories, worst-case scenarios, and medical literature. You've already earned your honorary PhD in gender madness.

Spare your heart energy. Work smarter, not harder. Start equipping yourself with the tools you need to succeed. 

Today, #ROGDAwarenessDay, marks the beginning of the "soft launch" phase of ROGD Repair. It's already been Beta-tested by dozens of students. I plan to announce it on my podcast in 10 days, August 26, and will be speaking about it on a variety of platforms this fall. 

Join now and save $$

Right now I'm offering the first 100 students to sign up for ROGD Repair 50% off their entire membership — not just the first month, but 50% off every month they choose stay on. This is a special offer that won't come again, a way of saying thanks for helping me launch. 

The course operates on a membership subscription because new material is continuously being added; members get interactive community forums; & members can request specific topics. Dozens of Beta testers have already paved the way, so you won't be alone or the first to comment. 

If you'd like to be one of the first 100 parents to sign up in this "soft" phase of the launch, use code FIRST100 to take 50% off the entire duration of your membership!

If that code is used up, code SOMETHERAPIST2024 takes 50% off your first month until the end of the year.

Sign up at and use one of these codes at checkout!

What parents are saying

"The ROGD Repair Course + Community have been immeasurably helpful for my husband and I! We actually look forward to listening and reflecting on the materials. Stephanie’s wisdom and experience has been priceless in keeping us sane as we live each day processing this situation. We are so glad we found her soon after our son’s coming out to us. I am confident that this course has kept us from saying and doing things we would have regretted."

-Christy C., Santa Cruz, CA 

"This course is brimming with eye-opening information from a perspective that is just not being covered elsewhere. It is richly insightful and practical at the same time and is an incredibly valuable resource for learning how to strengthen your relationship with your child and approach the subject of gender in a way that has the best chance of getting through to them.

"If we had had this information 5 years ago I believe we may have been able to not only prevent our son going deeper into the ideology and getting on hormones but even more fundamentally, help him out of the unhealthy psychological patterns that got us into this in the first place. Only a month into learning these concepts, they have already helped us to have conversations we should have had long ago."

-Courtney S. Boston, MA 

Spread the word

Thank you for being part of this "soft launch" of the ROGD Repair Course + Community for Parents on #ROGDAwarenessDay 2024!

I look forward to sharing more in detail about what's in the course on the August 26 episode of my podcast. 

Until then, perhaps I will see you around the ROGD Repair Course + Community!

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Questions for Warren Smith

This guy is brilliant. Love his stuff that I've seen so far; will be watching more this week. Check out his channel if you're not familiar with him yet. I'm interviewing Monday Sept 23.

Hi Stephanie- as an ex Portlandian, I have many friends still there. One current is just getting word his wife of 20 years is now a lesbian and wants out. One child is devestates. The other is full psyop’d accruing street cred with an LGBTQ parent now being celebrated and is numb to the dads feelings. He has nowhere to turn and needs someone to talk with honestly- as you know- being honest in Portland is unacceptable and bigoted these days if you raise any issue and she wants a family therapist to help them through and he knows he just has to suck it up and recite the proper allied response

Please. Please
Any recommendations for anyone for him to talk with or book or podcaster etc

I’ve turned him into your podcast also as resource
Thank you in advance for any consideration and suggestions

Enjoying the combo of monologue podcasts and guest interviews! You have a lot of unique insight and experience to share. Wondering (again, apologies!) if you might dedicate an episode to the topic of suicide and mental health outcomes in trans-identified folks? In several recent episodes you have mentioned that the common belief that "affirmative care saves lives" is not only unsubstantiated, but the evidence is to the contrary-- I would love to learn more about this! When you have the bandwidth for it, of course :) It seems so important to know and understand the evidence around this belief, because it is the ultimate trump card and seems to be really at the heart of the debate around the care of trans-identified youth.

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